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ADA Compliance Services

Increase your website's performance and boost sales with our ADA compliance services.


Over a billion people worldwide face challenges due to the lack of tools for those with disabilities. Make sure your website is accessible to everyone by ensuring it complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

DMI Internet Marketing Agency can help make your website ADA compliant using advanced AI tools. These tools enable smooth navigation for all visitors, reducing the risk of ADA-related lawsuits and offering potential tax incentives. Contact us now to ensure your website meets ADA, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Section 508, and EN 301549 standards!

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Ensuring Fair Access to Online Content: Making Websites Inclusive

More and more people are realizing the importance of making sure everyone, including those with disabilities, can be part of our global development. Many countries now have laws to protect the rights of disabled individuals, preventing discrimination and ensuring that public places are easily accessible. While this is a positive step forward, not everyone is following the rules for making websites accessible.

The internet is supposed to be a place where everyone can participate independently. However, to make sure people with disabilities can use it too, websites need to follow certain rules. These rules are outlined in documents like the Americans with Disabilities Act and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. By understanding and following these standards, you can make sure your website is accessible to everyone.

The aim of Americans with Disabilities
Act and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
ADA Compliance

About 15% of people worldwide face challenges in their daily lives due to disabilities, impacting activities like online shopping and web browsing. To make the web more accessible, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) introduced the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). WCAG is a set of rules helping web developers create ADA-compliant websites. Governments globally have embraced these guidelines, incorporating them into laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 508, and EN 301549.

In 2017, WCAG 2.1 came out to improve websites and keep up with new tech. It builds on earlier versions, making online stuff easier for people with disabilities, like:

ADA website compliance goes beyond just following ADA or WCAG rules. It’s the gold standard for making websites accessible to everyone, regardless of physical or cognitive abilities.

Why Your Website Should Follow ADA Compliance Guidelines

Create a Complete Online Adventure.

Your website’s design reflects your business standards. Demonstrate your dedication to top-notch service by investing in an ADA compliant site. ADA compliance guarantees:

Adherence to the Law

The law shields disabled individuals from discrimination, including online platforms. In 2017, there were 7,633 ADA website compliance lawsuits, soaring by nearly 200% in 2018. If you run an eCommerce site or have a physical store, you're at risk for not meeting WordPress ADA guidelines. Opting for ADA website compliance services safeguards you from legal troubles. Consult professionals to ensure your website follows the law, saving you from costly lawsuits.

Accessibility for Everyone

Many people with disabilities use the internet and need better attention to their tech needs. An ADA compliant website ensures equal access for all visitors, helping them make informed decisions. As we move to a user-friendly online world, it's time to learn and make your site ADA compliant. Following accessibility guidelines improves customer experience, builds memorable brand interactions, and makes users feel valued.

ADA Tax Credit Eligibility

Small businesses focusing on web accessibility and meeting ADA tax credit qualifications for 2021 can receive up to $5,000 from the IRS. This financial boost is beneficial for industry leaders and marketers looking to enhance website accessibility and expand online presence amid financial challenges. The ADA compliance services website tax credit covers half of the total ADA compliance website expenses incurred in a taxable year. This IRS tax credit not only saves money but also provides an opportunity to invest in essential website modifications and brand development.

Better Conversion Potential

Different disabilities, like trouble seeing, moving, learning, or hearing, can affect people. Businesses can help by making websites accessible for everyone. An ADA-compliant website keeps more people interested and boosts the chance of keeping visitors coming back. It's not just about being inclusive; it's also a smart move to turn more visitors into customers and loyal fans.

Long-term Profitability

Making your website ADA compliant not only boosts profits but also fosters customer loyalty. Despite having lower incomes, disabled individuals contribute billions to the economy. A recent report from the American Institutes of Research revealed that businesses can access the spending power of around 20 million working-age adults with disabilities through inclusive marketing and ADA compliance. These adults collectively have a disposable income of about $490 billion. Delaying the creation of an inclusive online experience may result in missed conversion opportunities and revenue loss to competitors.

Competitive Advantage

Too often, businesses ignore people with disabilities in the market. What they don't realize is that disabled individuals contribute significantly, making up around 10% of online spending. Stay ahead by ensuring ADA website compliance. Learn how to make your website accessible, protect your brand, and gain a competitive edge with DMI's ADA services.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Good SEO involves things like image descriptions, captions, video transcriptions, sitemaps, and making text easy to read. These also match ADA standards. Following these standards not only helps your SEO but also gives a good impression to users and search engines. WCAG-compliant websites focus on being usable by screen readers. These tools help blind or visually impaired people access your site by converting text and images into speech or braille. ADA web compliance ensures search engines and screen readers can easily understand and share your content with people who have disabilities.

Positive Online Reputation

Only 11% of people with disabilities ask for help from friends or family when facing online access issues. Most will leave and find an ADA-compliant website. An ADA-compliant site not only broadens your reach but also safeguards your online reputation. Positive reviews spread quickly, influencing others to choose your brand. Be accessible and become the preferred choice for your target audience and their networks.

Ensuring Your Business Meets ADA
Website Standards for Tax Benefits

Steer clear of legal disputes and save on your website upgrade expenses.

Have you heard about the IRS ADA tax credit (Section 44)? It helps small businesses make their websites more accessible to people with disabilities. Businesses can get up to $5,000 in tax credits or deductions for half of the expenses spent on improving website accessibility. This incentive aims to remove barriers and ensure everyone can access online content easily.

ADA Compliance

The ADA tax credit is for small businesses with fewer than 30 full-time employees and up to $1 million in total revenue. Depending on eligibility, you may receive ADA compliance tax credit, ADA tax deduction, or a mix of both.

To claim your ADA IRS tax credit, fill out form 8826 and meet other tax credit requirements. Consult your tax preparer for assistance and to determine ADA compliance eligibility.

For more on Section 44 ADA tax credit, explore our blog for a detailed discussion on ADA compliance website tax credit and instructions for using form 8826.

Ready to Ensure Your Website is Accessible to All?
ADA Compliance

Wondering if your website needs to be ADA compliant? Consider your business values and web design’s features. Ensure your site caters to all users, including those with disabilities, following ADA guidelines.

In today’s competitive digital world, ADA compliance is crucial for audience inclusivity and future-proofing your brand. Learn about ADA website tax credits for added benefits, protecting customer rights while earning tax advantages.

Make your website ADA compliant with DMI! We’ll guide your staff and ensure your site follows ADA guidelines. Partner with us for IRS ADA tax credit eligibility.

Our ADA experts will help, and ongoing support is included at no extra cost. Stay compliant effortlessly! Email or call anytime – we’re here for the long run!

Improve Your Website with ADA Support
for Better Functionality and Accessibility.
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